Concept Information

Ductus hepaticus communis

Anatomical Terms Info - Concept Id (ATI-ConceptId / ATICID)


Foundational Model of Anatomy Id(s) (FMAIDs)


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Change history

by: O.P. Gobée ADMIN, MD., Netherlands  [Change Id: 1]
NEW Structure/Concept:Ductus hepaticus communis [ATI-ConceptId:3836]
SET (or ADDED) Term for this Structure/Concept:Common hepatic duct
SET (or ADDED) Term for this Structure/Concept:Ductus hepaticus communis
SET (or ADDED) Term for this Structure/Concept:Hepatic duct
SET (or ADDED) Term for this Structure/Concept:Conduit hépatique commun
Primary Term:Ductus hepaticus communis
SET (or ADDED) Foundational Model of Anatomy Id (FMAID):14668
SET (or ADDED) Contributor:Jose Mejino
REASON FOR CHANGE(S): Initial import from 1.0 database, originally extracted and imported from Foundational Model of Anatomy database, 2007.
by: A.A.H. (Fred) van Immerseel, Other Health Practitioner, Netherlands  [Change Id: 3]
NEW Term for this Structure/Concept:Gezamelijke levergang
REASON FOR CHANGE(S): Import Dutch terms
by:  [Change Id: 34838]
NEW Term for this Structure/Concept:肝总管
REASON FOR CHANGE(S): mass Import of Chinese terms from Excel 20-05-2016
by: T.A. van Rheenen, MSc. MD., General Physician, Family Physician, Medical content creator INCISION Academy, Netherlands  [Change Id: 38249]
NEW Definition or Description:Bile duct arising at the conjunction of the left and right hepatic bile ducts to its continuation as the common bile duct, after the union with the cystic duct.
SET Primary Definition TO:Bile duct arising at the conjunction of the left and right hepatic bile ducts to its continuation as the common bile duct, after the union with the cystic duct.
by: T.A. van Rheenen, MSc. MD., General Physician, Family Physician, Medical content creator INCISION Academy, Netherlands  [Change Id: 38278]
CHANGED Definition or Description [Bile duct arising at the conjunction of ...] INTO:Bile duct arising at the conjunction of the left and right hepatic bile ducts to its continuation as the bile duct, after the union with the cystic duct.