Term Information

Vena marginalis lateralis pedis


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Change history

by: O.P. Gobée ADMIN, MD., Netherlands  [Change Id: 1]
NEW Term:Vena marginalis lateralis pedis [ATI-TermId:24365]
Concept to which this term belongs:Vena marginalis lateralis pedis [ATI-ConceptId: 5601]
SET (or ADDED) Terminologia Anatomica Id (TAID):A12.3.11.020
SET (or ADDED) Reference (Book):Terminologia Anatomica
SET (or ADDED) Reference (Book):Hollinhead's textbook of Anatomy *, C. Rosse
SET (or ADDED) Contributor:Jose Mejino
REASON FOR CHANGE(S): Initial import from AnatomicalTerms.info 1.0 database, originally extracted and imported from Foundational Model of Anatomy database, 2007.